Thursday, August 15, 2013

DOTC Training Overview

Training Overview

Delta Operator Training Course: Based loosely on the book Inside Delta Force by Eric Haney, DOTC consists of the following events.

Introduction to DOTC

· Communications

· Squad Formations

· Tactical Squads

· Squad Movement


· The trainees shoot stationary targets at close range until they are able to have almost complete accuracy.

· Grouping and how it works. Learning your weapons tendencies.

· The trainees shoot at stationary targets at long range until they are able to have almost complete accuracy.

· The marksmanship course then covers moving objects at varying degrees of distance. Working on bullet leading and bullet drop.

· Once shooting skills are perfected, they will move to a shooting house where they will clear rooms of "enemy" targets. At first it will be done by one trainee, then two at a time, three at a time, and finally a full squad. After the trainees learn techniques to clear a room, "hostages" are added to the room mixed with the enemies. This is the training provided to prevent a trainee from getting team kills.


· Trainees will go through various training programs about each type of ordinance and their usages. And follows a simple guide. Mortars, C4, Claymores, M15 Mines, RPG’s, Guided Missile Systems, SOFLAMs etc.. Are each covered in this training regimen.

· The placement of ordinance not only to eliminate soft target threats and armor, but to set up environments that can create cover for enemy snipers and infiltration teams. Using buildings and static cover to set up choke points and “kill boxes”.

· The study of terrain and locations that can be “destroyed” by C4, what can and cannot be destroyed. And when to destroy it strategically.

· Ordinance is a valuable asset. Placement is an integral in proper strategic use. Wasting assets is a recipe for failure.

Combined Skills Training

· The new Delta operators use both demolition and marksmanship skills at the shoot house and other training facilities to train for hostage and counter-terrorist operations with both assault and sniper troops working together. They practice terrorist or hostage situations in buildings, aircraft, and other settings.

· All trainees learn how to set sniper positions around a building with hostages in it. They learn the proper ways to set up a DTOC (Delta Tactical Operations Center) and communicate in an organized manner. Although Delta has specialized sniper troops, all members go through this training.

· The students then go back to the shoot house and the "hostages" are replaced with Delta members. It is known that live ammunition has been used in these exercises, to test the Operators, and build trust between one another.

· RRP (Rapid Response Protocol) is covered heavily in this portion of the training. Adapting to enemy movement and enemy response. Similar to Audible in football or “Changing the play”.

Trade Craft

· Trainees/Operators learn different espionage-related skills such as dead drops, brief encounters, pickups, load and unload signals, danger and safe signals, surveillance and counter-surveillance. The usage of MAV’s, EOD Bot’s, Troop Rapid Deployment via Helicopter or Parachutes, Kit usage (Ammo Boxes, Medical Kits, TUGS, BEACONS).

· The use of “Squad Perks” that are unlocked through gameplay.

Culmination Exercise

· A final test that requires the Trainees/Operators to apply and dynamically adapt all of the skills that they have learned.

Although these are the main skills taught in every DOTC, no DOTC classes are ever exactly the same.

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